Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Weight Loss: How to Set Attainable Objectives and Achieve Them

Whenever you hear the advice "set your weight loss goals", you might think that it only has to do with the number of pounds that you want to lose. Indeed, it is in part, but long term weight loss for anyone requires a change in mind-set and takes more than just keeping score of the amount of weight you are losing each week. The real question is not "How much weight do I have to lose?" but "Why do I want to lose the weight?"

Motivation plays a big role in losing weight. You need to understand why you are dieting and what it will mean to you once you have achieved your ideal weight. Otherwise, it may allow for some possible weight loss, but it will certainly be very much harder and you will have difficulty keeping to any new regime.

Any results that you achieve will not become the permanent new you, and most probably it will short-lived. Here is the reason why. Imagine yourself as your ideal weight and desired body figure. If you do reach your ideal weight but you haven’t decided why you had allowed yourself to become overweight originally, the underlying psychological reason will still be there, and will eventually cause you to slip back to old ways once you lose focus or find something else to concentrate on.

Losing excess weight is never easy. Even if you give in to those "lose weight fast" programs, it will only serve you for a short period of time. Remember that you have probably gained those extra pounds as a result of poor lifestyle, bad eating habits and little regular physical exercise. If however you are determined to lose weight, you need to take control of your health and set about keeping to a discipline that you never had before. Changing your lifestyle and diet will not come easy, but it will have long term benefits not only for your body’s health, but more importantly your happiness and self-esteem.

To set attainable weight loss goals, here are some tips that you can take note of.

1. Establish the reasons why you want to lose weight.
Is it because you are suffering from an ailment that was caused by being overweight? Maybe you started to feel conscious about how you look. It may also be because you want to play with your kids or grandkids. The list can go on and on, but what matters most is that you have to think clearly why you want to change your lifestyle. You have to set a purpose with why you want to do this and the reasons must be strong enough to motivate you, especially during moments when you might want to give up.

2. Write down your thoughts.
Do not underestimate the power of writing. Once you are convinced of the reasons why you want to lose weight, jot them down on a paper and keep it with you at all times. This will serve as your reminder every time you feel like giving up. Set yourself an objective of losing a certain amount of weight in a certain time. Also, make it a habit to read it every morning. This will have an effect on your attitude, and by continually impressing these thoughts on your subconscious you will start behaving as though this were true.

3. Set goals that are specific and attainable.
Avoid setting goals that are too vague. Know what you want, how you are getting there and how long it will take. Specific goals will maintain your motivation and it will keep you on the right track.

4. Be honest with yourself.
The success of your weight-loss goals will not happen without it. Blaming your situation on somebody or something else will only confuse your subconscious. Be honest with yourself and what you say to others regarding your objectives. From the outset decide on the real reason for your weight gain, and think and say how you will change the old beliefs which are holding you back. 

Too often people try to convince themselves that their predicament has been imposed on them by outside sources beyond their control. They can’t see a personal solution because they convince themselves that it is something outside their control. We are all what we think we are, and with some honest soul searching we can decide to make that change in thought that brings the control back to ourselves. When this is done the body and the mind can again function correctly and in harmony, and will allow you to make the changes necessary along the way to reach your goal.

We are blessed with our amazing bodies. We should not abuse them, but help them be the wonderful extension of our thoughts that they are meant to be. Concentrate on having a clear picture of your intentions for your body and you will see them manifest into the new you.

Article By : Nigel Le Monnier

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