Tuesday, 26 April 2016

The Toy Fox Terrier - Apartment or House Dweller Extraordinaire

The Toy Fox Terrier was developed in America, which is unusual. This small breed (between 9 and 11 inches and weighing 4 to 7 pounds) is a people pleaser. Because of the terrier heritage they do not realize they are a small dog and will take on dogs larger than they are. This also makes them a good watch dog, with a bark larger than the size of the animal. Because they are very loyal and like to be with the owner, they make good companion dogs. The breed is very intelligent and can be relatively easily trained, so it is a good pet for a first time dog owner. The Toy Fox Terrier has been used as circus trick dogs, companion dogs, agility course dogs, ratters, and performers. They are intelligent enough that they will demand that attention that other family members get - to the point of wanting to sleep on the bed with the owner! The breed is energetic and does require some exercise, however, they can meet their own needs to a large extent by playing with the dog regularly. If they get off leash, they will have a tendency to run and play, so be careful out of doors. The breed is loyal to the owner and loves to play and chase toys. They get along well with most other pets, however, small rodents like gerbils and hamsters may need some additional protection. Remember, they have been used to hunt rodents!
A healthy breed, the Toy Fox Terrier, has very few health problems. They typically live to about 15 years of age. The biggest problems seems to be related to the relatively small legs of the breed, with the most common problem being broken legs. Despite the short hair of the breed, they are not hypoallergenic and do shed a lot. They tolerate warmer temperatures pretty well and do not like the cold. Basically, if you are comfortable, so are they - especially if they are in the house or apartment with you. Other health problems are very rare, so these dogs are relatively inexpensive to own as well as being a great companion. Despite the energetic nature of the Toy Fox Terrier, they do not eat much food and do not tend to be overweight.
These athletic dogs, do require some grooming on a regular basis. Brushing will help control the shedding of the Toy Fox Terrier. If they are not outside enough, the nails can grow quite long, so you may need to trim the nails twice a month. These dogs are easy to wash, which helps with the shedding problem and controlling skin problems that may develop. These dogs should not live outside, even in warmer climates, as they were designed to be indoor dwellers.
If you need a companion dog, watch dog, and indoor dog in one package, look to the Toy Fox Terrier. Grooming needs for this breed are minimal and quality grooming products are available at http://www.doggroomingtablesplus.com. This breed makes an intelligent, playful, loyal, and protective companion for an older adult or children that love dogs.

Article Source: 
Doug Fabick 

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