Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Some advice for selling handcrafted jewellery on the internet. 2

As with my previous article I point out the advantages of taking perfect photos of your handcrafted and handmade jewellery when selling online. The most important part of marketing your goods is in the presentation and as you are selling online this means that you have to have clear and sharps photos to display your goods perfectly.

As with achieving a clear and sharp photo with the aid of a tripod and the macro lens you also need to master the art of lighting to be able to photos of your handmade jewellery that are true to colour and full of details. To achieve the best results you will need to use soft diffused lighting as this works best with handcrafted jewellery. You will probably already have discovered with previous photos that using an on camera does not give the results you are looking for displaying your goods online. The flash is far too bright for this job and you will have bright spots and hard shadows on your pictures. You have to replace your flash with continues lighting and when you are photographing your earrings and bracelets you will see the difference in the results you achieve. You require that your handmade jewellery is shown at its best. The best lighting to use in natural light bulbs and to have the lighting balanced so that you have natural light and showing no shadows or bright spots on your handcrafted jewellery. These natural light bulbs can be found at any reputable camera shop. You know have your bulbs and the next thing you will need is a light tent and this serves to diffuse the entire light giving even colour to your photos. 

A small photo tent is not expensive and it will reduce the entire glare and will help to control any shadows you may acquire when photographing your handmade jewellery. They are widely available in many sizes and shapes and because you jewellery items are only small you will not require a large tent just a small one will do the job you need. 

The last thing you need to do to obtain the perfect picture of your handcrafted jewellery is the correct exposure. If your background is a plain white colour it may appear gray in the image and if this happens it means that it has been under exposed. To rectify this you will need more light as your cameras lighting sensor is not picking up enough light. To get the setting right you will again have to read your manual as most of the cameras on sale today have an exposure compensation setting. When you have found the controls for this you will be able to increase the exposure until the image of your handcrafted jewellery looks correct. 

When you become comfortable and confident with experimenting with your handmade jewellery photography and are getting used to using different settings, shutter speeds and apertures you will find that you are taking beautiful and confident jewellery photos and are able to adjust the setting for taking photos of different types of jewellery. it may be that you can use the same settings for taking photos of earrings, bracelets and necklaces and when you have the setting and lighting correct you can use them for all your handcrafted jewellery settings. 

We now have the advantage of being able to use computer software to enhance or jewellery photos and this can help us obtain stunning images. It is defiantly quicker to use the image as it has been shot but if we are to be practical this does not always work. It is sometimes difficult to get your pieces of unique and original handcrafted jewellery to look as you would like and this is when you have to be able to adjust the image by adjusting the exposure, cropping and re-sizing and most of these things you will have to do before being able to upload the photo to the internet. 

Take your time and have fun experimenting and you will produce spectacular photos that will show your beautiful jewellery at its best and hopefully make many sales.

Article By : Deryk Attle

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