Saturday, 30 April 2016

When to Seen an Audiologist: Hearing Loss Symptoms in Kids

The risk of hearing loss is highest in older adults. However, more and more young people are beginning to lose their hearing almost as steadily as adults. The key to minimizing the risk of hearing loss and reducing its significant impact is early intervention. By visiting an audiologist and taking steps to identify any causes of the problem as soon as the loss is apparent, measures can be taken to reduce the chance of permanent impairment. The following are some signs that could signify that a child is experiencing a problem:
Being Less Involved in Family Life
Children who are having a difficult time with hearing can become easily frustrated. Because of this, they may retreat away from everyday family life because they are not able to partake in the conversation as easily. If this lack of involvement becomes noticeable, it could signify a problem. The inability to participate fully in table conversations or family activities can be quite upsetting for a child who cannot understand what is being said to them.
Loss of Memory
Another symptom that is noticeable in children is a loss of memory. The child may begin forgetting things on a regular basis, such as errands they were supposed to run or a chore they were supposed to complete. While this can seem as simple as a slip of the mind, it can actually be a much bigger problem. Instead of forgetting to do what was asked of them, it is completely possible that they never heard the instructions in the first place.
Removing Themselves From Social Events
Much like adults who lose their hearing, kids also remove themselves from social situations and activities with friends. Due to the mounting frustration of not being able to understand anyone, they can feel uncomfortable and out of place. They may find that they are asking people to repeat themselves until it becomes frustrating and annoying for the person being asked. This can result in a complete lack of desire to attend social events.
Decrease in Grades
In addition to these other symptoms, a kid who has a sudden drop in his or her grades may also be dealing with the inability to listen to what is being said. They can become unable to concentrate on their schoolwork due to being frustrated and irritable. They can also become inattentive since they cannot understand what is going on when the teacher is speaking. Since they do not understand the lessons, their grades will ultimately fall. If this becomes noticeable, it is imperative to get to an audiologist to get a proper diagnosis.
As these signs become apparent, it is crucial to have the child tested by an audiologist as soon as possible so that further losses are not experienced. Hearing problems can be the result of a variety of causes, including ear injuries, listening to music too loudly, or even ear infections. A hearing device may be needed, but it will be worth it for the comfort and confidence of the child.
When considering an audiologist, patients visit Pacific Audiology.

Article Source: 
Abigail Aaronson

Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Services

Going to see an audiologist can be a stressful experience. You don't know what to expect and probably have many different questions running around in your head. Read these frequently asked questions about hearing services to prepare for your visit.
Am I a Candidate for Auditory Aids?
One of the biggest questions everyone has the first time they go to a hearing services specialist is if they need aids. The best way to know if this is even a consideration is to ask yourself if you are experiencing difficulty communicating with the world around you. This includes not being able to understand or missing pieces of conversations. Having had an accident or near miss because you couldn't hear the warning sounds around you is another indicator.
In the event that your inability to participate in everyday life has caused you to withdraw, it is time for you to seek help.
My Doctor Says I Need a Device. Which Type Should I Wear?
There are four primary styles of hearing devices. These include behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, in-the-canal, and completely-in-the-canal. The type that you should choose will be based upon your unique needs. Don't choose one solely based on the way it looks.
For example, if you have dexterity issues, an in-the-canal device may not be your best choice. If you have draining problems, you want something that provides ventilation. Finally, if your canals are too narrow, or the shape of your outer ear is deformed, you may be restricted in the type of device you can choose.
In addition to physical factors, the type of loss you experience will also dictate the type of equipment you are able to use. For example, if you have severe loss, you may be better suited for a behind-the-ear system as it creates less feedback than other options.
Do I Have to Buy Two Auditory Devices?
Buying the recommended equipment from a hearing services specialist can be expensive. Those who are on a budget may wonder if it is necessary to purchase one for each ear. While you may be able to get away with one, binaural listening systems are better.
One reason is that they work better in noise. If both ears with the same amplification receive the amplified sound, the brain is able to cross-correlate and process the signals better than if only one side is processed.
Another reason is that binaural signals improve localization ability. The way the human brain processes sound is based on the difference in loudness between the two sides, the difference in pitch on each side, and the time in which it takes to get to both sides.
Signal versus noise level from the optimizing position improves with dual aids. Sound waves lose intensity as they travel across your head. If you wear only one system, say on the left, and the person who is speaking to you is on the right, the sharpness of consonants and vowels may deteriorate before they reach the device. In the event that you are in a crowded, noisy room, speech may deteriorate, making it even more difficult to process.
In the event you choose to have only one hearing device, you could be making your unaided ear worse. In reality, you don't hear with your ears, you do so with your brain. These devices work to retrain your brain to process the signals transmitted by the aids. If you have one side unaided, it could make it more difficult for your brain to "hear" on that side.
When considering hearing services, Matamoras residents visit The Optical Center.

Article Source: 
Alfred Ardis

4 Signs It's Time to Schedule a Hearing Test

Pure tone audiometry is used to evaluate and diagnose issues related to hearing loss. Individuals should get this hearing test on a regular basis for early detection and effective treatment. A person may consider this test if they notice several warning signs. Difficulties in understanding people clearly in a conversation is usually the first warning symptom. The inability to hear in places with background noise may cause an individual to subsequently withdraw from social situations. Family members and loved ones may notice the steady increase in the volume on the TV and radio. Finally, tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a common sign that needs to be addressed at the next scheduled appointment with a qualified audiologist.
A Pattern of Difficulty in Hearing Others
Difficulty in understanding people clearly is usually the first major warning sign. For example, individuals may perceive everyone as either speaking too low or constantly mumbling, so many usually ask family and loved ones to repeat words or "speak up" in conversation. Straining to listen to a conversation on the telephone may also become a common occurrence.
Those who suspect this issue should closely consider the demographic they have the most trouble understanding. As women and children tend to have more high-pitched voices, people may not be able to hear these groups.
Difficulty Hearing in Crowded Areas
Some people notice that words are always getting drowned out by background noise whenever they find themselves conversing with someone in a crowded area such as a restaurant, party, or even a busy street. Individuals who notice a problem with pinpointing even the general location of certain sounds and voices in a crowded room should also consider a hearing test.
The inability to socialize in even a moderately crowded area due to hearing loss can be more than frustrating; it can also prove to be debilitating. Since listening is one half of social interactions, people may withdraw from conversation to avoid further embarrassment. This interference with an active social life may cause isolation and emotional distress, so it's imperative to consider a hearing test if this warning sign is noticed.
An Increase in Volume on TV and Radio
Individuals may feel that their radio and TV are always set at a volume that is way too low for their enjoyment or comfort, but the volume setting on the television may not be the actual problem. A common warning sign includes having to constantly crank up the volume on their television and radio; meanwhile, loved ones may complain that both devices are always too loud. This warning sign can also serve as a common cause. While young adults enjoy blasting music on their speakers and headphones, many experts warn against too much loud noise and the long-term damage it can have on a person's ears drums.
Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Tinnitus is usually described as ringing or buzzing in the ears, but the sound has also been described as a click, hiss, or roar. Tinnitus is generally caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises, so preventative measures, such as earplugs at work and keeping devices at a moderate volume, are strongly advised.
Tinnitus is not considered a disease on its own, but rather a symptom of a much larger issue, such as an ear infection or complication stemming from a previous head injury.
According to one 2013 Brazilian study that included more than 500 participants who suffered from hearing loss, 43 percent had also said to have experienced tinnitus.
If an individual notices tinnitus occurring more frequently, they should discuss this with an audiologist.
To learn more about options for a hearing test

Article Source: 
Andrea Avery

Benefits of Consulting an Audiologist

Audiologists are licensed professionals who are experts in the diagnosis and management of disorders related to your auditory and balance systems. There is a mistaken belief that hearing loss or problems with balance only occur in elderly people. The truth is these disorders can happen to anyone, from infants to seniors. The causes are diverse and numerous. Hearing loss should be closely monitored if you have a history of ongoing exposure to loud noises, ear infections, genetic hearing impairment, tinnitus, or head injury.
While looking for a qualified audiologist, don't be afraid to ask them questions regarding their practice. You should seek a medical professional who is aware of the latest research and evaluative methods and who uses the latest technology. The days of clunky, old-fashioned hearing aids are out. There are hearing aids nowadays that fit the shape of your ears discreetly and provide comfort in addition to efficiency.
Hearing aids are not your only solution. You may also consider hearing rehabilitation, where you work with a professional on practicing speech, reading, and listening skills. Make sure that an audiologist can provide you with multiple choices for a long-lasting, effective remedy. You should not be limited to just one solution, and the best medical professionals will be able to cater to your lifestyle and offer you a comfortable plan.
According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, "Hearing and balance disorders are complex with medical, psychological, physical, social, educational, and employment implications." Therefore, these hearing professionals have the important task of minimizing any negative impact you might be experiencing. With the right provider, you could see dramatic changes in your quality of life.
There are two common disorders in this field. One is dizziness, and the other is tinnitus. Dizziness is when people experience vertigo, unsteadiness, lightheadedness, and spatial disorientation. It may seem like a simple spell of faintness, but it is important to determine the cause and to keep track of the symptoms so that an audiologist can properly evaluate you.
Tinnitus is when people experience a ringing sensation in their ears when there is no outside cause. This condition is often followed by hearing loss. Tinnitus could be caused by medications, age, noise exposure, allergies, head injury, or ear diseases. A medical professional can help you find relief and offer hearing protection if necessary.
According to How's Your Hearing, there are three ways that hearing aids can help tinnitus. One, by improving your hearing and reducing stress from straining to hear. Two, by focusing on background sound to mask the tinnitus. And three, by stimulating your hearing nerves to increase effectiveness.
Whatever the case may be, do not hesitate to search for a qualified and experienced audiologist.
When considering an audiologist, Hartford, CT residents visit Eastern Connecticut Ear, Nose & Throat, PC.

Article Source: 
Andrea Avery

Natural Eye Care Made Simple And Easy With Good Visual Habits

Without healthy eyesight performing work related activities and academic projects would become downright difficult. This brings into focus the need for devoting more attention to doing the things we need to do to protect our precious eyesight. There are certain stress related activities and bad visual habits we are exposed to in our daily lives that can do damage to our eyes. The good news however is that we can take certain preventive steps to minimize, reduce, or even eliminate the negative effects that such activities have on our eyes. The solution involves paying greater attention to the importance of practicing eye relaxation techniques. These soothe strained eye muscles; relieve stress in the visual system, and promote better natural eyesight.
Many of us grew up in the school system whereby excessive close up work was the norm. This was the case in terms of the many hours spent reading and studying from textbooks, papers and keeping our eyes fixated on one close up point such as a black board. These activities without periodic breaks create eye strain. While education is vital we cannot avail ourselves of its usefulness in advancing our careers and degrees without taking the necessary preventive steps to protect and preserve our vision health.
The key to achieving this goal is to solve the problem of eye strain by identifying the bad visual habits that are causing these problems. Then, we can replace these with good visual habits that increase eye health. Therefore, what are some examples of bad visual habits? Such habits involve a tendency to keep the eyes fixated on one particular close up point such as a computer for prolonged periods of time. Others include staring and concentrating on your close up work too hard without blinking. Another includes reading and studying without looking up from your close up work. Such activities lead to poor eyesight due to the fact that the eyes function best when they are moving around and not fixed on one particular near point for a long time. Such habits cause our eyes to send us signals in the form of eye strain,burning eyes, eye pain and eye discomfort etc. Our visual system is sending us these signals because it is alerting us to the fact that we need to take breaks to relax our eyes and relieve the discomfort in our visual system.
Here are some relaxation eye exercise techniques we can use to replace these bad visual habits with for better eyesight: If you are sitting in a chair in an office get into the habit of taking breaks to move your eyes around. Our eyes are the busiest organs and function best when they are moving around without being stuck on one object. Take deep breaths at the computer and blink frequently. Get into the habit of looking up from your close up work at frequent intervals for a few seconds. Take time to close your eyes and visualize the muscles in your eyes relaxing. Do this for a few seconds at various intervals whenever you are engaged in close up work. These eye relaxation techniques while simple, nevertheless, do make a difference in relieving eye strain and improving vision.
Poor eyesight does not have to be something that you have to live with forever. You can take regular steps in terms of the practice of eye relaxation techniques that can help to relax and soothe the visual system, while ultimately, increasing eyesight for a lifetime.
My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate and natural vision improvement success story. I enjoy writing helpful articles based on my course of studies at City College, and the knowledge, research and experience I have gained from trying natural vision improvement alternatives to glasses and contacts. Reduce or even eliminate your dependency on glasses with this effective natural eye care program that shows you to relieve eye strain. Also enjoy the easy to follow vision exercise techniques that lead to clearer, sharper, better, natural vision.

Article Source: 
Joel Travers King

Effective Double Vision Reducing Nutritional Remedies

Healthy eyesight is something that you are likely concerned about especially given the significant increase in vision disorders in America. One such concern that is particularly distressing is a vision condition called double vision. If you suffer from this eye problem your eyes see an object as a double image rather than a single image. Such an eye condition can not only be distressing and annoying to you, but in severe cases, can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Some double vision causes include diabetes, a stroke, a head injury, astigmatism and dry eye syndrome. Another cause of this eye problem also includes a nutritional deficiency. For example, eye care experts identify a nutritional deficiency in Vitamin B12 as a possible cause of this eye condition. Eye care experts have established a connection between better vision and good nutrition that promotes healthy eyesight. Therefore, if you are looking for nutritional remedies to solve this vision problem, here are some nutritional solutions that will help you achieve this goal.
Before adding a nutritional remedy to solve this vision health concern, consult your eye care physician and get an eye exam to determine the correct diagnosis of the cause of your double vision.
There is a link between consuming the proper nutrition and improving eye health. The good news is that this principle also applies to correcting this vision problem. Certain foods and eye health promoting supplements can work together in improving this condition.
Here are some tips to reduce double vision: In terms of foods to improve double vision nutritionists suggests eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A, C and E.
Some examples of such foods include dark green leafy vegetables such as Spinach, Broccoli and Kale, Kiwi, berries, tomatoes and papayas. Additionally, of equal importance are Omega -3 rich foods such as cold water fish such as cod and Tuna to name a few.
In terms of vitamins and nutritional supplements to improve double vision, According to eye care experts,even in spite of the fact that it is not considered a common cause, the neurological problems resulting from a deficiency in the Vitamin B-12 nutrient can cause double vision.
Eye care experts recommend certain vitamin supplements such as Vitamin A, C, E selenium and beta- carotene to name a few. While the symptoms associated with double vision can be distressing, you don't have to tolerate the annoyances associated with this eye condition, that may in certain cases, interfere with your normal daily activities. Therefore, consuming the right food to improve double vision, in addition to including the proper nutritional supplements in your diet, can make a positive difference in reducing this vision condition.
My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate. As a natural vision improvement success story, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others about natural vision improvement alternatives to glasses and contacts. Take your eye health to the next level with this fun and easy vision improvement program where you can discover effective eye exercise techniques that will help you reduce double vision and improve your eyesight naturally.

Article Source: 
Joel Travers King

Where Can Students Get a Free Eye Test?

One of the things that concerns all students who attend university - and the University of included - is vision healthcare, now that they are not living in the parental home. Whereas there may have been entitled to free eye care before they left home and left primary and secondary education, this is not the case for most who attend higher education.
For this reason, many of those students with eye problems are searching to know how they can get a free eye test as well as lower priced glasses and contact lenses. For these students to be able to take advantage of these discounted or free services, there are several steps that need to be taken.
Firstly, it should be noticed that some students that attend university here may be entitled to NHS eye care if they have certain eye conditions or genetic predispositions to eye illnesses in their family. This will often allow them to have a free eye test as well as get vouchers towards glasses or contact lenses if they are needed.
To find out of a student - or indeed anyone of any age - is entitled to this eye care, it is strongly advised to contact the National Health Service customer contact center, or talk to a local optician about their rights if they are not sure of them. This may lead to a pleasant surprise when they find out that they can benefit from reduced cost eye care.
For the rest of the student body in the town, getting a free eye test may not be so easy but it is still possible. One place to start looking is at chain and independent opticians throughout the area, as many will have free eye test offers available to the general public.
One chain optician that regularly runs this kind of offer is Spec savers, which is present. This well known optician can often provide a high standard of care regardless of the free nature of the test, but the downside is that this offers is only usually temporary, and only pops up every now and again.
The other option is to investigate the numerous independent opticians services that operate throughout the town, as these can often provide free eye tests in order to entice new clientele. As there are numerous independent opticians, they can often compete with their special offers to draw customers in, meaning that students can benefit and get the most out of student loans.
It should be noted that not all opticians may be offering a free eye test, but at the same time there are many advantages to being a student in the area, including the chance to make major savings.
One way to do this is informing yourself if any of the independent or major chain opticians will offer you discounted eye tests or glasses or even both. Many services do this for any student with a valid ID card, and therefore this can be extremely beneficial for students.
Ask student union for further information about what services and discounts your card covers, and enquirer around all opticians services around the town to find out what benefits you can get as a student. This could be an entirely free eye test, but there are also many other great benefits as well.
Oakes Opticians is a family-owned business providing value and care since 2010, serving the local Huddersfield community and beyond. Oakes Opticians offers a wide choice of frames at competitive prices and bespoke eye examinations, always prioritising the needs of the patient. The optical staff at Oakes Opticians has over 20 years' combined experience and utilises the latest technology to provide a premium quality service. Oakes Opticians also offers a more thorough eye test than typical high street opticians, also providing late evening appointments in order to serve both 9 to 5 workers and schoolchildren. Oakes Opticians has easily accessible free parking right outside the premises available for all customers.

Article Source: 
Shazad Arshad

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters

What are floaters and how did they get into my eyes?
They are little objects floating within the gel-like substance of your eyeballs and it is not directly these objects that you are seeing, but their shadows.
The gel like substance filling up our eyeballs is called vitreous body, or vitreous gel, vitreous humor, sometimes only vitreous. It consists of water mostly - 99% - and the rest is mixture of salts, sugars, proteins, vitrosin (a type of collagen), acids, etc. With age the gelatinous substance tends to lose its fluid and little parts of the gel break off and start floating around within the center of the vitreous body. But this is not the only possible reason for floaters to occur. As the vitreous body shrinks and loses fluid with age, it might disconnect from the retina and start floating around within the eyeball, and cause shadows on the retina. In fact, this is a very common disorder. IT is called PVD - posterior vitreous detachment. It's painless and not dangerous in the majority of cases. However, there can always be trouble. The retina could be damaged in this process and also if floaters are too close to the retina, they might damage it. Basically, any damage to the retina is a serious issue, therefore if you are actually seeing eye floaters, you should visit an eye specialist in any case. The warning signs are flashes of light in vision. If you experience these, the retina is probably being damaged and you should seek medical attention immediately. Also if the number of floaters in your vision grows rapidly all of a sudden, that is a warning sign, too. But don't wait for these.
OK, my doctor checked my eyes and said there's no need to worry, my floaters are not dangerous, but they are driving me crazy. What can I do now?
Yes, this is very likely to happen, because in most cases eye floaters are luckily benign. But they are still very irritating. But don't worry, there are some things that can be done.
There are basically two types of surgical procedures used to remove floaters from our eyes.
Vitrectomy - generally it means replacing the vitreous gel with a saline solution which will guarantee a complete removal of eye floaters and it also means that you will never see them again, because the saline solution doesn't have the same structure as a vitreous gel and it simply doesn't shrink and lose fluid with age, so no particles will form and float around within it.
Vitreolysis - uses laser to target and obliterate eye floaters. This is very popular solution for eye floaters.
However, there is always risk involved with surgeries and many people are afraid of them. There are also cases when the surgery will not be suggested by the doctor himself, such as if the eye floaters are too near the retina - the laser could harm the retina too.
Natural Remedies
Apart from surgical procedures, there are natural remedies and diets, lifestyle habits that can be changed in order to get rid of eye floaters. And there is also this fact that brain can actually adapt to floaters and filter them out of the vision, as it already does with other things within our eyes that we don't see, but are actually there. But these are not moving. That is correct - if floaters stopped floating around within the vitreous gel, we would not see them, because brain would adapt to them. This actually happens, but the waiting could be long.
Drinking a lot of water, intake of vitamins such as E and C, eating a lot of blueberries, mustard and seeds and nuts of all kinds, lots of vegetables, healthy lifestyle including reducing smoking and alcohol intake, these and many others can lead to curing your floaters.
If you want to read more about eye floaters, visit my blog dealing with how to get rid of eye floaters

Article Source: 
Amanda Tosh

Natural Vision Improvement Diet For Better Eyesight

Eating the right diet is essential in maintaining good health. For instance, certain foods can promote heart health such as Omega-3 rich foods such as Salmon and fish. However, eating too much fried foods can worsen heart health and increase blood pressure levels. But, did you know that eating the right foods in terms of a healthy and balanced diet not only improves your overall health, but improves your eye health as well? Therefore, if you are interested in a healthy diet to improve vision, here are some examples of such foods that can help you to achieve that goal:
According to Dr. Duke Peterson, include in your diet plenty of fruits and vegetables, proteins and dairy products. In terms of vegetables that are foods that improve eyesight, some examples are carrots, spinach, bean sprouts, celery, cucumbers, broccoli and kale. In terms of proteins adding fish and salmon to your diet is a good choice. These are good sources of Omega- 3 Fatty Acids that not only promote better mental focus and good brain health, but also support healthier eyesight as well. A Research study conducted by the British Journal of Ophthalmology, revealed that a diet rich in Omega- 3 Fatty acid nutrients significantly cuts the risk for Macular Degeneration by one - thirds. In terms of milk products, avoid pasteurized and homogenized milk products. This is due to the fact that such products have a tendency to clog the arteries and limit circulation to the blood vessels of the eyes which can cause poor eyesight. Good milk substitutes are Almond, rice dream and soy milk.
When taste preferences determine our food choices, there is a common tendency for us to gorge ourselves on processed foods and fried foods. However, these foods increase cholesterol levels, worsen heart health and also contribute to poor eyesight. Instead, consume healthy foods consisting of vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Some examples of nutrient rich foods include sunflower seeds, pecans, soy beans, apricots, liver, raisins and endive.
When it comes to eating a diet to improve eyesight naturally, a factor that should be taken into consideration is maintaining the proper P.H balance. In terms of the right mix of foods we can eat to achieve that proper balance in our diet, some foods are acidic and others are Alkaline. Our American diet includes too many foods that are acidic such as animal protein and sugary foods like red meats and refined sugars. A diet that is too acidic can contribute to a buildup of Uric acid in the joints that can trigger arthritis. Additionally, too much acidity in our diet has a negative effect on the eye muscles leading to poor eyesight. An eye health promoting diet consists of a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, grains and animal proteins.
Including too much whole grains and animal proteins increases the acidity in the body. However, increasing certain fruits and vegetables decreases acidity and achieves a better alkaline balance. Therefore, the key is to find the best balance between the various food groups. Considering the fact that the American diet is lacking in fruits and vegetables, the key is to find the proper nutritional balance from that perspective.
The food we eat influences the quality of our health. The same principle applies to improving our vision. Therefore, when we eat the right foods that are rich in the right nutrients, from the perspective of a balanced diet, not only will our overall health improve, but we will re-build and restore the health of our precious eyesight as well.
My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate and internet marketer. As a natural vision improvement success story, I enjoy sharing vision exercise techniques that improve eyesight with people searching for natural alternatives to glasses, contacts and laser surgery. Reduce or even eliminate your dependency on glasses with this effective natural eye care program that shows you the best foods and vision vitamins that protect, preserve and restore your natural eye health. Also enjoy the easy to follow vision exercise techniques that lead to clearer, sharper, better, natural eyesight

Article Source: 
Joel Travers King

Better Vision Visualization Technique To Relax The Eyes

Our eyes consists of tiny muscles. These muscles play a role in changing the shape of our eyes. One of the purposes of this process involves the movement of our eyes in a series of directions. For instance, some eye muscles control side to side motion while others control up and down motion. These muscles play a role more importantly, in a process called accommodation: This is defined as the action of the six external muscles that act upon the eyeball. These give the eyes their ability to adjust and adapt so that we are able to see near and distant objects clearly. Due to the many years of stress and strain exerted upon these eye muscles, through excessive close up work, these muscles over a period of time weaken. They therefore lose their ability to change the shape of the eyes thereby causing negative changes in eyesight, requiring the use of glasses. As a result, the eyeball either becomes too long as in the case of nearsightedness or too short as in the case of farsightedness.
The efficiency of these eye muscles that are responsible for changing the shape of the eyes can be improved through the regular and diligent practice of simple to perform eye exercise techniques. This process leads to natural vision improvement that can lead to sharper, clearer, vision without glasses.
The main causes of bad eyesight are mental stress and the buildup of tension, stress and strain in the eye muscles. Eyesight worsens as a result of the absence of relaxation activities that are designed to sooth and relieve strain in the eyes. Our eyes function at optimal levels when they are in a relaxed state. Understandably, you would say that it is difficult to fit into your routine, relaxation techniques to improve eyesight naturally, especially in cases whereby you are surrounded by stressful situations at work. However, the truth is that finding activities that relax the eyes are much easier than you think.
Speaking of stress, emotional stress is one of the factors that contribute to eyesight problems and often we may look at things that annoy or irritate us. To solve this problem make an effort to focus on pleasant sights. For example, in a workplace situation you can place pictures and photographs of pleasant things and places around your work-desk. For example, place pictures of your favorite pets, animals or your favorite vacation destinations or whatever visual images that have a relaxing effect on you. Take time to take breaks and for a few seconds focus on these pleasant scenes especially in cases whereby you are feeling stressed or frustrated. Looking at pleasant scenes has a positive effect on the visual system, relaxing our eyes and releasing emotional stress and strain.
Another relaxation technique that you can perform is to close your eyes before going to sleep for 10-15 minutes and visualize positive things that happened to you throughout the day. For instance, if someone paid you a compliment relive that moment in your mind through visualization. In the process of doing so, try to think of as many pleasant things as possible. Think of people, places and things that bring joy, happiness, and serenity to you. These visualization techniques involve the use of positive emotions that relieve mental and emotional stress and strain. They sooth the visual system. Ultimately, these techniques lead to an improvement in eye health.
My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate. As a natural vision improvement success story, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others about natural eyesight improvement alternatives to glasses and contacts. Take your eye health to the next level with this fun and easy vision improvement program where you can discover techniques that can help you to eliminate or reduce mental and emotional stress and eye strain. Learn how achieving this can help you to get better natural vision and sharper eyesight.

Article Source: 
Joel Travers King

Mad March Hair? Common Myths About the 'Crowning Glory'

Our hair is our crowning glory and the haircare and beauty treatment industry is worth several billion in the UK, taking into account hairdressing and barber services as well as homecare products for washing, colouring and styling the hair.
For such a valuable industry, there are still some myths and as many of us experience changes in our hair as part of the ageing process, now is the time to separate fact from fiction.
Mad March Hair - 5 Common Myths
  1. "Don't pull out a grey hair as 3 will grow in its place" - It may feel that way, but removing a grey hair will not generate 3 more; it's simply that as we age, more hairs grow without colour. Excessive plucking can seriously damage the hair follicle and may inhibit regrowth altogether, leading to hair loss
  2. "Eating bread crusts will make hair curl" - Sorry, there is no connection between food and the curliness of hair, although a good diet will make hair look healthier and skin too
  3. "Stress or fear can make your hair go white" - It has been shown that stress can speed up greying or cause it prematurely. However, it will only be visible as new hair grows - the length of hair cannot turn white overnight
  4. "Regular trims stimulate hair growth" - Hair grows at the same rate whether it is cut or not; so cutting or even shaving the head doesn't make hair grow any better. However, split ends should be avoided as they cause the hair to break
  5. "Wearing hats causes hair loss" - Rarely - a very tight hat which cuts of blood circulation to the follicles may cause some hair loss, but this would also be causing a serious headache. However, many people do wear a hat to disguise the progression of hair loss which probably explains the association
When it comes to hair, we naturally dislike the signs of ageing and seek to delay them. For some people, the hair exhibits signs of age earlier than others and this can be quite noticeable.
Research has shown that women start to get their first white hairs at 33, although more and more are experiencing premature greying in their mid-twenties, an issue that has been ascribed to stress. Hair colouring either at home or in salon provides an easy solution enabling people to keep their 'real colour' a secret.
With regard to hair loss, approximately 70% of men and 30% of women will experience it. 2 out of 3 men experience can expect some degree of hair loss by the age of 35 According the American Hair Loss Association and some will find it in their twenties.
Hair loss is perhaps harder to hide than greying hair and many feel that they just need to live with it - hence wearing a hat or having it cut very short (see the myths above!). The prospect of surgery is unappealing or unaffordable.
As always, the key to successful treatment is to really understand the problem with any potential underlying causes that may be contributing to it before trying to treat the hair loss itself.
Depending on the cause, there are now a range of non-surgical hair treatment options intended to support the growth of hair on the head without using surgery from vitamins and topical products to mesotherapy and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy).
clinicbe has an innovative approach to skincare based on treating the patient as a whole in order to get the best possible results from any treatments they may have. Consultation includes dietary and lifestyle advice as well as reviewing medical history and skincare concerns. Popular treatments include dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, mesotherapy.

Article Source: 
CB Kershaw

Indian Ayurvedic Herbs As Hair Fall Remedies

Hair fall or declining hair health affects most of us the same way. We do whatever it is that we can do to prevent the hair from falling. Today the market is full of products designed and developed for the hair problems of every kind. An elaborate variety of hair products is available to the consumers taking in account the diverse range of problems faced by women exclusively. Most of the hair solutions fall neatly in either of the two categories chemical or natural products. Both claim to reduce hair fall and repair hair damage. But the question goes that how many of these products do actually have the effect that they state. No matter how much the advertisement assert that their chemicals are good for hair health, it is well known that overdo of chemicals harms the hair more than it benefits. Without many options, one turns towards the selection of organic natural products.
If a product is claiming something too good to be true, then it probably is. Hair care is a process not a trick. It cannot be done with a single try or quick wash. Hair needs time to replenish, repair and grow. So the efforts need to be in the same order, regular and appropriate care. The Indian ancient tradition of Ayurveda uses natural herbs and products for hair care. These products and remedies have been used for hundreds of years by millions of women, who have witnessed the effectiveness of these remedies. Here are a few herbs that can be used for hair care regimen by anybody who is looking to avoid chemicals
• Aloe Vera - Aloe vera juice comes from the aloe vera plant and contains 32 vitamins and minerals, 75 nutrients and hundreds of active enzymes. Enzymes in aloe vera dissolve dead skin cells and excess sebum which can clog hair follicles. Aloe contains salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory and mild anti-biotic. Aloe vera juice contains enzymes and anti-inflammatory properties that sooth and moisturize an itchy scalp. These enzymes add moisture and have anti-fungal properties that help to rid the scalp of dandruff. Aloe vera juice is a good conditioning agent. It adds shine to the hair and controls frizz. The vitamins and minerals in aloe vera juice strengthen hair, add luster and help relieve scalp conditions such as seborrhea and psoriasis.
• Amla - Amla, the Indian Gooseberry contains several anti-oxidants including vitamin C which is necessary for collagen production. Elevated collagen levels accelerate production and increase strength of new hair growth. Amla is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It contains array of antioxidants such as emblicanin A and B, phyllantine, phyllantidine, quercetin, kaempferol, gallic acid, and ellagic acid. Amla also contains a high concentration of minerals, amino acids, as well as strong immunity boosting properties. Mix amla powder with a moisturizer such as coconut oil and massage into the scalp.
• Basil - Basil is rich in magnesium, a mineral essential for many chemical processes going on within the human body. Massaging basil oil helps moisturize the scalp and hair follicles. In addition, it stimulates blood circulation. Basil contains magnesium and eugenol which further improve blood flow to scalp. When applied to hair and scalp as an herbal rinse, basil acts as an anti-inflammatory, strengthens hair against breakage, and improves circulation in the hair follicles which helps to stimulate growth.
• Shikakai - Shikakai is derived from the bark, leaves and pods of a plant. Its powder helps to strengthen hair. Also, it can be used as a gentle cleanser and to cure dandruff. It is mostly used in the same way as amla. It can be used in its powdered form along with carrier oil like coconut oil or the powder and soaked in water to make a paste and then used.
The above mentioned remedies are very effective in hair growth, and holistically cure the problem of hair fall. It works not only to repair the hair damage but also the scalp and hair roots. Following a regimen involving one of these products is a sure way of effectively caring for the hair.
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Article Source: 
Aditya Kumar Tripathi

Dispelling Myths About Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

There are many myths surrounding male pattern baldness. For example, wearing hats does not bring on baldness, nor does it come exclusively "from your mother's side of the family." Generally, balding in men is caused by increased exposure of follicles in the scalp to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT causes the pores in your scalp to shrink slowly over time and eventually disappear entirely. The smooth, shiny look of a bald scalp partially has this shrinkage to blame.
Here are some other myths about baldness and hair replacement that need to be dispelled.
Your Mane Won't Look as Real
Trying to disguise hair loss is often the joke in a movie or on a TV show-a character is made fun of for having a wig or toupee that looks like a "mop" or a "dead animal." While this is still a running joke, there have been advancements in the hair replacement industry that have led to more natural-looking wigs and toupees. These look and feel just like your real mane, and can be washed and styled the same way.
If you're still not convinced, there are plenty of other non-surgical hair replacement procedures that use your existing follicles to create a fuller mane and a more cosmetically pleasing frontal hairline.
For example, laser therapy uses a low-grade, low-heat laser that penetrates the outer layer of your scalp and increases blood flow right under the skin. This increase in blood flow stimulates the growth of follicles, leading to more natural growth.
Some other therapies, like non-surgical grafts, transfer existing strands of hair from parts of your scalp that have better growth to the balding areas. These strands are deposited directly into the dermis, where your scalp continues to nourish them. The strands in these areas continue to grow just like in the surrounding areas.
My Hairline Won't Look Natural
This is a common qualm with any hair replacement therapy. However, you need not worry. The specialists who perform grafts have years of training, and they use the latest technology to ensure that you look and feel as natural as possible.
Non-Surgical Options Aren't as Effective
A surgical graft is a legitimate response to male pattern baldness. Thousands of people undergo this procedure every year and come out with fantastic results-a thicker, fuller mane, and a more defined outline. However, surgical grafts are neither the best nor the most effective choice for every type of baldness. This is true for individuals whose main problem is thinning or who have Type A alopecia, where cutting out small pieces of skin wouldn't affect overall strand density. In these cases, wigs, laser therapy, or non-surgical grafts can actually be equally or more effective than a surgical procedure.
Some types of balding or alopecia cannot be addressed with today's knowledge and technology. But hair replacement therapy can be effective for many people who suffer from these medical conditions. It is important to know the truth about what causes these conditions and what sort of results you can expect from treatment. Speak with a specialist to get the clearest picture of what can be done for your particular situation.

Article Source: 
Andrew Stratton

Hair Transplant Treatment Can Change Your Life

Baldness is a huge problem for millions of people, but they should not get disappointed because they can get hair back on their head.
The outcomes of hair transplant treatment can have significant effects on your life. Therefore, you need to consider all the points properly and should stay away from reaching any decision instantly.
Here are some important questions you need to answer before undergoing transplant surgery.
  • Do You Really Care For Your Hair?
You should definitely consider taking some measures if your hair is falling at a high speed to resolve the issue. If an individual is too anxious and thinks a lot about his hair loss then he won't be able to focus on other important issues and his level of stress will increase drastically.
  • You Can't Concentrate On Your Work?
Men become paranoid if they're conscious excessively about their hair loss and how it is negatively impacting their appearance. Men who are facing baldness think that they're inferior to others or people are making fun of them. Although, this is not true, but still you need to take necessary steps if you're hair loss problem is making you feel anxious or inferior.
  • Do You Face Difficulty In Social Circles?
People who are dealing with the problem of baldness are often quite concerned and low in confidence whenever they went outside to meet family, friends or attend a party. Many bald people can't enjoy their lives fully because they're overanxious due to baldness. Many times, bald men fail to have conversation with the other gender because of their baldness.
  • Do You Stand In Front Of Mirror To Check Your Level Of Baldness?
Of course, baldness is such a problem that forces the affected person to stand in front of mirror checking their level of baldness. This has an extremely negative psychological impact on the person. Are you also dealing with a similar problem? Then, it's the right time to choose hair transplant.
  • Do You Find It Difficult To Talk With Females?
This is no doubt one of the commonest problems faced by bald people or the ones who are getting bald. Every man wants to look good, especially when women are around. Baldness is such a problem which makes individuals conscious about their looks. However, with hair transplant treatment, you can change the situation by putting an end to your baldness.
You should visit the best cosmetic surgery clinic if you're willing to get world class service within your budget for hair restoration surgery.

Article Source: 
Pankaj Singhal

What Factors Lead To A Healthy Head Of Hair?

Are you frustrated with hair loss? Have you used products and solutions and simply weren't satisfied with the results? Can't understand why your hair continues to be frail and brittle? There is hope. You can enjoy healthier, stronger and thicker hair all while preventing hair loss. It's a fact, both men and women suffer from frizzy, weakened or thinning hair problems. Buying expensive shampoos, messy solutions or even having invasive surgical procedures isn't necessarily always the answer. The good news is, there are other alternatives out there and having a better understanding of what it takes in order to have healthier hair could be a very powerful tool and be beneficial in your overall health as well.
It starts from within. It's all about having the right balance of vitamins and nutrients in order to start to promote healthy, strong hair. There are many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to support a healthy scalp and help revitalize your hair follicles which can promote hair cell growth. There are others that help to maintain hair elasticity and help keep the luster while preventing shedding. Then there are some that help with preventing breakage while strengthening, which aids in the increasing of hair density, shine and overall health of your hair.
Some of the key vitamins and nutrients include Vitamin B and Biotin, both of which are responsible for keeping a healthy scalp which will in turn promote stronger hair and better hair growth.
Niacin, which expedites blood circulation, revitalizes the hair follicles, promotes growth and helps prevent hair loss.
Vitamin C, which is one of the most effective nutrients to help grow and strengthen. It is full of anti-oxidant properties which reduce the damage caused by free radicals which can do a lot of harm to your hair. Dry and splitting hair can be associated with having a low-level of vitamin C in your blood causing the hair to break off.
Another important vitamin is Vitamin D. What some people might not know is that Vitamin D is not only is good for reducing pain and stress on joints as well as boosts your immunity, but another one of the benefits is, the life cycles of hair follicles can be regulated with this vitamin. When there is a deficiency in this vitamin, the follicles can experience a shorter life cycle which, in turn, promotes hair loss.
When the hair follicle cells become malnourished this is what leads to thinning, loss of hair and weakness of your strands. Because our bodies cannot store vitamins, It is important to replenish vitamins continuously in our body.

Article Source: 
Renee Shanley

Things to Keep in Mind Before Laser Hair Removal

Many men and women turn to laser hair removal as a way to rid their bodies of excess hair growth. Constant waxing, shaving, and tweezing can become tiresome, especially for those who have significant and stubborn growth. Having this procedure performed has many advantages, but it is not a decision to be made lightly. The following should be kept in mind before making an appointment.
You Must Be a Good Candidate
With the advances in this treatment, more and more people are able to have laser hair removal. In the past, only those with lighter skin and dark hair saw the most success with the procedure. This is because the light used picks up the contrast in color to remove the follicles. Today, clinics use advanced systems that can more easily target lighter follicles, but it can take much longer to achieve the desired results. Keep in mind that many more sessions may be needed.
Choose a Qualified Technician
Having any type of laser treatment is a serious procedure, even if it is for cosmetic purposes. It is more than a simple spa treatment. It is a major ordeal that entails multiple appointments to get the final point of complete removal. Be sure to do a background check to ensure the technician is properly certified and trained.
Do Not Wax Prior to the First Visit
Before the first treatment, be sure to avoid any form of follicle removal. This includes waxing along with tweezing or epilating. Shaving is approved, possibly required by some technicians just before the procedure. Some clinics will ask that shaving be avoided as well so that the light can see the strands in order to remove them. Ask the clinic before doing any form of removal.
Do Not Tan
Since the color of the skin has a major impact on how well the laser hair removal works, be sure to avoid any tanning before the first appointment. The more contrasted the colors, the more effective the laser can work. Avoiding the sun will also reduce the sensitivity of the skin after the procedure.
Do Not Expect Instant Results
Laser hair removal is a long process. Instant removal after the first treatment should not be expected like when shaving or waxing; it will gradually fall out in the weeks after each appointment. Most people need at least ten appointments to have it completely gone. The type of skin and hair will have a large effect on how long the process will take. The appointments also have to be spread out from four to eight weeks for safety purposes. Too much laser exposure too quickly can be damaging to the skin.
Having laser hair removal can be a great option, but it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Remember these considerations before making the choice to move forward with the process.

Article Source: 
Alfred Ardis

Invasive Vs Non Invasive Treatments For Hair Regrowth, What Works Best For You?

Hair loss is a problem which has nowadays come to the fore in bigger ways than ever before. This has a lot to do with people being more concerned about their appearance as the basics of grooming have changed and it is taken to the next level.
Hair loss worries people. With the passage of years, as one sees a receding hairline in the mirror, one comes to realize that one needs to do something about it. And with the advancements in medical science, there are more ways to tackle hair loss than there have ever been!
Hair loss is a problem that concerns both, men and women. While problems like hair loss and reduction in thickness or density are common for both men and women, male pattern baldness is an issue which is faced by men. Female pattern baldness is a lot rarer as compared to male pattern baldness.
In case the hair loss is severe, one might consider going for surgery to get over the same. And hair surgery can be effective for a host of hair loss condition related to both, male and female pattern baldness.
However the issue that invariably arises when one chooses to go for surgery is that there is a risk of an infection involved. Or at times, some complications too could arise. So before actually going ahead for the surgery, one must make sure that one interacts with his doctor in detail to figure out an alternative which works the best for him/her.
Most importantly, one must try and make sure that one tries out some non invasive treatments to get over hair loss before one actually makes up his/her mind to going for a surgery for hair loss. And that's because non invasive treatments offer many advantages over surgery for hair regrowth.
A non invasive treatment is not painful like a surgery for overcoming hair loss. Similarly, a non invasive treatment would not necessarily require travelling long distances to meet an expert for performing the surgery. Most importantly, with a non invasive treatment, the risk of any related complications like an infection are minimal.
Similarly, a non invasive treatment is often easy to apply because many of these are do it yourself kits, wherein one could use these from the comfort of one's home. And when one goes for a surgery, these could involve waiting for long periods at times. As an example, if one chooses to go for a hair transplant surgery, the waiting period for the same could be as long as nine to twelve months.
The only problem that one could have with non invasive treatments for hair regrowth is that their effectiveness could be less than a surgical treatment for the same. Non invasive treatments might work for one individual and might not work for someone else, but nevertheless, non invasive treatments are a must try before one goes ahead with surgery.
On trying out the non invasive treatments for hair regrowth, one may come to realize that something like a surgery for hair regrowth is not required at all.
The B.Lab PRO HAIR Hair Regrowth system is a tremendous way to achieve hair regrowth, at a fraction of cost of other alternatives. It is free from all common side effects and 100% safe for men and women for daily use, irrespective of whether you are looking for decrease in hair fall, increase in hair thickness or visible hair growth.

Article Source: 
Harshad Jethra

Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Caused By Shampoo

Around the world, millions of males and females are affected by the problem of hair loss. Quite often you'll found many people blaming their genes for hair loss problem, but in many cases, it's not just the only reason. Apart from genes, other factors that are behind the problem of hair thinning and baldness are hair care routine, eating habits, various medical conditions and medicines consumed for different type of diseases.
You'll be a bit surprised to know that the shampoo you are using can be contributing to your hair loss problem. Shampoo does not cause hair fall, but using the wrong type of shampoo does. Hair loss can also be started by certain ingredients found in shampoo. Yes it's true that some of the shampoo ingredients can cause hair loss.
Here are some ingredients found in shampoo that can cause hair thinning or baldness:
  • Alcohol - You heard it right, alcohol is an ingredient which is found in almost all hair-care products, but it can lead to hair loss if used in high concentration as it dehydrates the hair.
  • Formaldehyde - A compound known as Formaldehyde is often found in some shampoos and hair conditioning products, especially in baby shampoos. Formaldehyde has disinfectant qualities so it is used as a preservative. This compound not only results in hair loss, but can damage your DNA as well.
  • Greaser - Hair thinning can be caused by greasers including lanolin, petroleum and mineral oil, which are found in hair-care products as these chemicals prevent absorption of natural oils.
  • Sodium chloride - Sodium chloride, also called as table salt, is another ingredient found in shampoo causes damage to hair and follicles to a great extent. To thicken shampoos and conditioners, concentrated sodium chloride solution is added into them. It causes itchy scalp and may start hair loss by making the scalp dry.
  • Sulfates - SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and ALS (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) are common in a number of cheap and low quality shampoos. These are extremely harmful for your hair strands and can cause irritation on the scalp.
  • How To Avoid Hair Fall Caused By Shampoo
  • Select The Best & High Quality Shampoo - Always go for a renowned & dependable shampoo brand. Also, try to figure out type of your hair, so that you choose the brand which suits you best.
  • Stay Away from shampoo which contains irritant ingredients.
  • Never use shampoo to wash your hair daily because excessive shampooing destroys the hair.
  • Always read the ingredients written on the back of your shampoo bottle. This way you can stay away from harmful chemicals and buy mild or safe shampoo for your hair.
If you've become bald due to excessive usage of harmful shampoo then hair transplant in India is an ideal solution for your problem. Visit the best hair transplant surgeon to fight against the baldness problem.

Article Source: 
Pankaj Singhal